Restaurant & Catering

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Exquisite Bites

Delightful culinary creations crafted with passion and attention to detail

Aromatic Brews

Savor our finest caffe selections, from robust espressos to velvety lattes

Cozy Ambiance

Relax and unwind in our comfortable and inviting atmosphere.

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What's cooking at Alfayy?

Check out our mouth-watering menu items, where we give you the best cuisines from all over the world, made with the finest of ingredients.

Why settle for average when you can have extraordinary?

Choose Alfayy for your next event.

"Never trust a Skinny Chef" - Chef Steve

Hey there, foodies! Here’s a little secret: never trust a skinny chef. You see, we believe in bringing you flavors from around the world, and it takes a passionate palate to truly appreciate that. So, join us at AlFayy and get ready for an international culinary adventure. Each dish will transport you to a different place, with amazing flavors, colors, and aromas. From savory to sweet, every bite will take you on a delicious journey you won’t forget.

- Chef Steve Gurunlian